
What you see before you is Jordi Armadans’s blog.

What’s the blog about?

The aim of this blog is to reflect on issues of conflict, international policy, security and militarism from a perspective of the culture of peace and human rights.

We’re well aware of how complicated the world is and that its deficiencies, cruelty, injustice and atrocities are not going to be resolved easily or quickly or, in all probability, entirely.

But I’m also convinced that, with a little effort and intelligence and, above all, with determination, we can construct a world that’s a little more decent, fair and at peace. And, certainly, there is still a long way to go before we even reach this minimum.

These beliefs form the basis of this blog.

A blog in which, inevitably, other things I’m passionate about will also appear.

Who am I?

Well, I trained as a journalist and political scientist. I love reading, I’m crazy about music, I enjoy films and always find travel, new surroundings and mountains exciting. I tend to enjoy being with other people and those I love, but for several years now I’ve also tried to dedicate some of my time, work and effort to initiatives to promote personal, social and global change.

I’ve particularly done this via the culture of peace, disarmament campaigns and nonviolent conflict resolution. Among other things, I’m Director of the Fundació per la Pau, a Catalan NGO that’s been working for the last 28 years to promote the culture of peace. I’m also President of the Consell Català de Foment de la Pau (an advisory body on public peace policies that includes the public administration, academia and civil society), I’m a Board Member of AIPAZ (Spanish Peace Research Association) and for several years was a member of the Steering Committee of the International Peace Bureau (IPB). I also play an active role in global campaigns and networks, such as the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) and Control Arms Campaign

The blog in English

I would love to be able to translate the whole content of this blog from Spanish into English but, for the time being, I don’t think it’s possible due to a lack of time and know-how. However, you can use the automatic translation tool (top right of the blog). Although such tools are not very successful in stylistic or grammatical terms, at least they make ideas easier to understand and debate.

In any case, in the ‘Articles’ section you can find a selection of articles published in the press and magazines, some of which are in English.

I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy your trip around this blog!

Una resposta

3 02 2012

I am from India, a post graduate in commerce and playing active role in global campaigns and networks, such as the Control Arms Campaign and Amnesty International. I’m founder of Haiya Alal Falah Movement and Founder Secretary of Haiya Alal Falah Educational Welfare Society. I am an independent researcher too. I am actively playing a role in the fields of Human rights, global peace, harmony, understanding etc.
I’m really impressed with your works.

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